Hot ticket: Fiery foods show includes a chance to taste world’s hottest pepper

Hot ticket: Fiery foods show includes a chance to taste world’s hottest pepper

One of the leading hot sauce companies, Melinda’s is this year’s national hot sauce sponsor and will have its products at the show. Melinda’s is the 10th-best-selling hot sauce in the country, according to Fiery Foods & Barbecue show founder Dave DeWitt. The company was founded in 1989 by Greg and David Figueroa of New Orleans. Melinda’s focus is on the habenero pepper, and its line ranges from hot to its XXXXtra Reserve Hot Sauce. “The Figueroa brothers have done more for the promotion of the habanero pepper than any other company,” DeWitt said in a news release. “They made the habanero a household word.” For more information please visit

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